Re: 2.4.15-final drivers/net/bonding.c includes user space headers

Thomas Davis (
Mon, 26 Nov 2001 09:55:28 -0800

Keith Owens wrote:
> 2.4.15-final/drivers/net/bonding.c:188: #include <limits.h>
> Kernel code must not include use space headers. I thought this had
> been fixed. It will not compile in 2.5.

I should probably also point out that I'm not the maintainer/creator of
that version that did this too..

The Lab hasn't said yet from the DOE's point of view it's ok to work on
GPL to me, as part of my job..

Thomas Davis		| ASG Cluster guy		| 
(510) 486-4524		| "80 nodes and chugging Captain!"
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