re: Kernel Releases

Dan Kegel (
Sat, 24 Nov 2001 21:37:38 -0800

David Relson <> wrote:
> With the recent problems, the working
> versions tend to be the -pre1 or -pre2 releases, not the released
> one. With a bit of QA, I think we can have 2.4.x releases be the stable
> releases. Here's how...
> When the kernel maintainer, now Marcelo for 2.4, is ready to release the
> next kernel, for example 2.4.16, I suggest he switch from "pre?" to "-rc1"
> (as in release candidate). A day or two with -rc1 will quickly show if it
> has a show stopper. If so, then the minor fixes (and nothing else) go into
> -rc2. A day or two ..., and either -rc3 appears or we have a stable
> release and 2.4.16 is ready to be released.
> Let's go the extra distance and have the releases be usable, stable
> kernels! It's what users want and it's within the abilities of the
> developers to produce. Let's do it :-)

Hear, hear!

Also, Marcelo should get in touch with the nice folks at
and find out what sort of regression tests they will be running on
his kernels. Perhaps he can wait for their feedback on the -rcX
kernels before declaring them final. (Not that they would have
found the 2.4.15 problem with their current tests, but they'll
catch a few things.)

- Dan
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