Re: Linux 2.4.16-pre1
Victor Yodaiken (
Sat, 24 Nov 2001 21:23:53 -0700
On Sat, Nov 24, 2001 at 09:41:15PM -0500, Patrick McFarland wrote:
> Okay, so it was 14 that had the file loopback bug, and 12 that had the ieee bug.Those bugs shouldnt have been in there in the first place! Those are very major potentially show stopping bugs. What If I get up one day, and I cant print? Or build isos? That sounds minor to you, but thats a big thing if say, the linux box is a network print server, or, its the workstation for the guy in the company who builds the iso. And, no, "use the previous kernel" isnt a good excuse. Because what if you get hit with bugs back to back? You'll have to go back to some kernel way way back. Like 2.4.2. The Kernel needs Quality Assurance.
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