Re: [PATCH] remove trailing whitespace

David Weinehall (
Fri, 23 Nov 2001 21:45:00 +0100

On Fri, Nov 23, 2001 at 08:34:36PM +0000, Padraig Brady wrote:
> I used sed, but yes the following does
> the same as downloading and applying the patch:
> find linux -type f | xargs perl -wi -pe 's/[<space><tab>]+$//'
> (obviously replace <space> & <tab> with the appropriate chars).
> Note also that after (bz2) compression the space saving drops
> from 224,654 to 139,669 bytes, which is still good.
> Padraig.

Running Lindent on the kerneltree would be far more yielding, as
it would, apart from removing extraoneous whitespace, also format
all code in a sane manner. However, this is unlikely to ever happen; I
seem to recall that Linus has commented on this before.

Regards: David Weinehall
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