True, but as it's known, gcc-2.96 is NOT an official gcc release by the gcc
team. It was RedHat's fault to fetch a development CVS gcc snapshot and
release it as gcc 2.96 in RedHat distributions, while object format used by
2.96 is not compatible with 2.95 nor 3.0.x at least according information
can be found on site of gcc. It was very ROTFL RedHat to release kgcc to be
able to compile kernel. And these type of distributions are marked as even
enterprise-ready and likes by RedHat :) Sorry for the flame, but IMHO it's
very funny :) [Also, while developing MPlayer we had got problems with even
newer 2.96's, so we do not recommend it in the dox, and ./configure won't
able you to use 2.96 without a special configure switch ...]
But for being more serious: do newer gcc 2.96 versions have these type of
errors? I mean mainly incompatible object format ...
- Gabor
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