ZIP drive is not working fine...

William N. Zanatta (
Fri, 23 Nov 2001 09:55:36 -0200

Hello guys,


When I try do to something like mkfs on my ZIP disks, it hangs the
system as if it couldn't find or work on the drive.
I have applied the 'ide-floppy update to fix lockups with ZIP + Via
chipset' on my kernel still doesn't work. Now I get this
message on my syslog:

ide-floppy: CoD != 0 in idefloppy_pc_intr

The drive make transfers fine, the only problem until now is this
with mkfs. I didn't have time to spend on my machine for this moment to
get some debug info but I will do it as soon as possible. But if you can
solve my problem or give me some tips, it would be great!
Sorry for my poor English.

Athlon 1.2Ghz running on a Abit KT7A-R board
256mb RAM
NEC's IDE ZIP drive
Running Slackware 8 and Kernel 2.4.14

Thank you all,

William N. Zanatta

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