Re: Linux FSCP (Frequently Submitted Compilation Problems)? (was: Re: Loop.c File !!!!)
Rob Turk (
Wed, 21 Nov 2001 10:10:11 +0100
"DevilKin" <> wrote in message
> Hi all,
> Just a thought. Don't shoot the messenger/idiot that thought of it.
> >He's doubtless referring to the deactivate_page()
> >thing that's been talked to death on this list for
> >the past 2 weeks...
> I'm getting rather annoyed with the same problem being reported/asked
> over and over again...
> Is there - or would it be nice it it would be here - a list of recent
> compilation problems encountered with stock kernels (and what to do about
> it)? (see the loop.c thingy recently, and other problems with other stock
> kernels). So we could just point the people to that thing instead of
> these 'discussions' over and over again...
Good suggestion. Unfortunately, many people obviously do not take the time
to read the newsgroup before they post, so what do you propose will be the
mechanism to encourage them to lookup existing issues?
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