> On Tue, Nov 20, 2001 at 09:49:01PM +0000, David Woodhouse wrote:
> > insmod dummy
> > ip link set dummy0 name eth0
> > ip link set eth0 address 01:02:03:04:05:06
> Ewwwww... that's totally evyul. I love it.
Yep! Just don't use ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff if you don't want your CPU
to melt down. I'm told you get all the data in the universe, almost
as bad as NETbeui ;^)
Dick Johnson
Penguin : Linux version 2.4.1 on an i686 machine (799.53 BogoMips).
I was going to compile a list of innovations that could be
attributed to Microsoft. Once I realized that Ctrl-Alt-Del
was handled in the BIOS, I found that there aren't any.
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