Re: A return to PCI ordering problems...

Dale Amon (
Tue, 20 Nov 2001 21:20:55 +0000

On Tue, Nov 20, 2001 at 03:03:23PM -0500, Richard B. Johnson wrote:
> FYI, if you care about the name of your ethernet device, your
> configuration is probably broken. The IEEE station address can
> be used to identify a device and it's accessible from `ifconfig`
> without setting any network parameters. So, given this, you
> can set any number of boards found, to anything you need to
> configure, including complicated servers and routers, with a
> simple shell-script.

I presume IEEE station address == MAC...

I haven't really much choice. I can't use modules for
security reasons; I have to assign the motherboard MAC
to eth0 because a commercial package we are installing
licenses on the MAC address of eth0.

Ifconfig cannot, to my knowledge, swap the identify of
eth0 and eth1. However I the iproute2 calls, if they are
available, might do the trick. I will have to see.

The only thing I really have control over is the kernel
itself, not the dist even.

Has the pci=reverse option been removed? That might
have done the trick.

Also, I don't really see anything inherently wrong with
being able to force some of these things at the boot
command line.

    Nuke bin Laden:           Dale Amon, CEO/MD
  improve the global          Islandone Society
     gene pool.     
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