Re: SiS630 chipsets && linux 2.4.x kernel == snails pace?

Stuart Young (
Mon, 19 Nov 2001 11:44:42 +1100

At 04:55 PM 18/11/01 -0500, John Jasen wrote:
>labrat5+linux2.2.19 = decent response times
>labrat6+linux2.2.19 = decent response times
>firewall system + linux2.2.19 = decent response time
>labrat5+linux2.4.x, where X=4,7,12 = painfully slow
>labrat6+linux2.4.x, where X=4,7,12 = painfully slow
>firewall system + linux2.4.x, where X=7 = painfully slow

Have you tried going through with hdparm enabling/disabling the options in
turn? eg: DMA, Unmasq IRQ, Multi-Count, etc.

I would not be surprised if what was happening was related to DMA causing
huge locks of the IDE subsystem, and dragging out the disk times, therefore
throwing the system out the window. Out of your previous posts, I saw you
mention you fiddled with Unmasq IRQ and 32 bit, but not DMA.

Also are these systems per chance running the same brand/model of h/drive?
While I doubt it, could this be a problem with these drives and these
boards only in certain modes?

Good luck!

AMC Enterprises P/L - Stuart Young
First Floor - Network and Systems Admin
3 Chesterville Rd -
Cheltenham Vic 3192 - Ph: (03) 9584-2700 - Fax: (03) 9584-2755

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