As for performance our experiences are biased because this system is almost
exclusively used for video software development not games like most. It needs
a reliable operating system like Linux and very fast media storage drives.
The inverse telecine, a grueling memory excercise which takes 3 hours on a
dual PIII 933 and 2 hours on a dual Alpha, takes about 2 hours on the dual
Our 100 Gig SCSI raid, consisting of 6 15,000 rpm drives on the motherboard's
two SCSI 160 channels gives a full 110MB/sec read and write with RAID 0. With
RAID chunks set to 1MB the write accesses go to 160MB/sec and read accesses
go to 90MB/sec sustained. This system would make a good motion capture tool.
Previous Intel attempts at onboard disk I/O would give 50MB/sec.
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