[nospam] Hi,
[nospam] I get an oops every time when I stop PCMCIA with
[nospam] cardctl eject; killproc /sbin/cardmgr; lsmod
[nospam] With a "sleep 2" before lsmod it does not happen. I tried kernel
[nospam] 2.4.1[34] with modutils 2.4.{2,10}, pcmcia-cs-3.1.29.
Thomas, I can verify a similar problem. I'm running 2.4.15-pre1 with
pcmcia-3.1.29, not built into the kernel. The only difference with my
setup is that it only seems to happen if I eject both cards at the same
time or do other pcmcia card acrobatics. If I do one at a time, there
doesn't appear to be a problem.
-[ kevin@pheared.net devel.pheared.net ]-
-[ Rather be forgotten, than remembered for giving in. ]-
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