So what you are seeing is the difference between a single CPU
running at 866MHz on the 2 way and a single CPU running at
700 MHz on the 4 way. And of course your 1.4GHz would give better
numbers as you are looking at 700Mhz, 866MHz and then 1.4 GHz and
so the numbers should be
The idea behind this test setup isn't to compare machine x
verses machine y. (That's what marketing departments do.)
But to be able to compare the same hardware against its self
before and after a kernel change.
On Wed, 2001-10-31 at 19:51, Dmitry Volkoff wrote:
> > These tests were performed against 2, 4, and 8 CPU
> > IA-32 (Intel) servers.
> UnixBench results are somewhat funny.
> 4-CPU machine is slower than the one with 2 CPU (238.4 vs 260.0)?
> Well, on UP Athlon 1.4Ghz with only 512 Mb RAM I get 460...
> --
> DV
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