No other interaction or running programs were present while doing this.
I have 771580 KB of ram and 290740 KB of swap.
Now to explain the graphs.
The blue is AA's vm. The red is Rik's vm. Rik's vm finished in 66 seconds.
AA's vm finished in 52 seconds. Both start at 0 swap usage. Both from clean
Here is the graph . It's
about 4.6K.
When you look at the graph it goes like this.
The left side is 0 seconds, the right side is 66 seconds. bottom is 0KB, top
is 290740KB.
These are generated from data from the orignal vmstat outputs. These are at
I'll leave the actual interpretation of the data of both the graph and raw
data up to those who actually know the code.
Neadless to say that while running the test on either box, the entire
computer became unresponsive multiple times for extended lengths of times.
No OOM was generated on either run.
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