Sadly, I bought some memory yesterday, and it was only U$30 for 256MB
DIMMs, so $120/GB if you have enough slots. Not that I'm suggesting
you go out and but more memory Daniel, as you probably have your slots
filled with 2GB, and larger sticks are still bit more expesive.
The only thing that bugs me about the low memory price is that Windows
XP recommends at least 128MB for a workable system. A year or two ago
that would have been considered a bloated pig, but now they are giving
away 128MB DIMMs with a purchase of XP. Sad, really. Maybe M$ is
subsidizing the chipmakers to make RAM cheap so XP can run on peoples'
computers ;-)? What else would you do with U$50 billion in cash (or
whatever) that M$ has?
Cheers, Andreas
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