Re: strange hangs with kernel 2.4.12 (and 13)

Johannes Kloos (
Sat, 27 Oct 2001 17:00:17 +0000 (UTC)

Michael Reinelt <> wrote:
> Hi there,
> I've got some strange problems here, since 2.4.12 (2.4.10 was ok, I
> never tried .11)
2.4.10 was the first kernel that broke for me.

> I've got seveal processes hanging in "D" state, especially devfsd. I
> think something with devfs and/or devfsd is broken here. If I kill
> devfsd before, the problem does not arise (but I need devfsd :-)
I've had this problem as well - it seems there's a deadlock in devfs.
I have sent a mail to Richard Gooch about this some days ago, but he
hasn't responded yet.
I will resend my bug report to the list then.

> Now, It gets even more strange: The problem does only exist if I
> deactivate ACPI! I tried with a ACPI enabled kernel with the command
> line "acpi=off", I tried on a machine which is too old for ACPI, and I
> even compiled a kernel without ACPI at all. Everywhere the same problem.
> When I boot with activated ACPI, there's no problem.
I don't know about this.

> Any hints? If someone could tell me what I should try or which debug
> info could be useful, please let me know!
> TIA, Michael

Johannes Kloos
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-- Gaspode the wonder dog (Terry Pratchett, Moving Pictures)
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