Re: xmm2 - monitor Linux MM active/inactive lists graphically

Giuliano Pochini (
Sat, 27 Oct 2001 15:14:44 +0200

> block: 1024 slots per queue, batch=341
> Wrote 600.00 MB in 71 seconds -> 8.39 MB/s (7.5 %CPU)
> Still very spiky, and during the write disk is uncapable of doing any
> reads. IOW, no serious application can be started before writing has
> finished. Shouldn't we favour reads over writes? Or is it just that
> the elevator is not doing its job right, so reads suffer?
> procs memory swap io system cpu
> r b w swpd free buff cache si so bi bo in cs us sy id
> 0 1 1 0 3596 424 453416 0 0 0 40468 189 508 2 2 96

341*127K = ~40M.

Batch is too high. It doesn't explain why reads get delayed so much, anyway.


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