Re: priority queues on dp83820

Christian Widmer (
Sat, 27 Oct 2001 11:19:05 +0200

ok it's me again. i got how priority queuing works. and
this is quite strange for the moment. when using 2 or 3
queues everything works like said in the docu. with 4
queues it gets wired. blow there's a list where the
different user priorities in the VTID go:

2 queues:
queue 0: priorities: 0, 1, 2, 3, untagged framges
queue 1: priorities: 4, 5, 6, 7

3 queues:
queue 0: priorities: 0, 1, 2, 3, untagged framges
queue 1: priorities: 4, 5
queue 2: priorities: 6, 7

4 queues:
queue 0: priorities: 1, 2
queue 1: priorities: 0, 3, untagged framges
queue 2: priorities: 4, 5
queue 3: priorities: 6, 7

the step from 3 to 4 queues is quite amuseing.


On Friday 26 October 2001 22:27, Christian Widmer wrote:
> ok for everybody how's also's working with the dp83820 i've
> somp partial results.
> i disabled priority queuing for the moment and started
> debuging the vlan-tag stuff.
> at the moment it seams that:
> it looks like that the 83820 inserts the vlan tag corretly
> and callculates CRC. on the receiving side it detects the
> vlan-tag. but don't run with the idea that you may ask for
> automaticaly strip of the vlantag again. if you try the
> 83820 gets confused with its own calculated CRC. when
> calculating CRC it must include the vlan tag on one side
> exclude it on the other side.
> how this works with priority queueing ?
> //chris
> On Friday 26 October 2001 16:01, Christian Widmer wrote:
> > has anybody try to use the priority queues of the dp83820?
> > or does somebody know where to get docu knewer then the
> > preliminary form february 2001?
> >
> > i wrote a driver for the dp83820. now i tried to use
> > priority queuing for prescheduled zero copy datastreans.
> > first i just whanted enable priority queueing without
> > inserting of any vlan tag. this works for 1 to 3 queues
> > like it sais in the docu (untagged packets are queued
> > like packets with priority 0). but when i enable the 4th
> > queue i receive all none tagged data on queue 1 instead
> > of queue 0. and if i enalbe vlan-tagging globaly or on
> > a per packet basis i don't get any interrupts on the
> > receiving side. has anybody an idea whats going on. if
> > you need the code to have a lock at - let me know, i
> > realy need some help.
> >
> > chris
> >
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