Re: kjournald and disk sleeping

CaT (
Fri, 26 Oct 2001 19:27:50 +1000

On Thu, Oct 25, 2001 at 04:13:31PM +0000, Pavel Machek wrote:
> Hi!
> > One thing I thought: how is this supposed to work on laptops? can
> > they be suspended? a question related to this one: I also have ACPI turned
> > on and APM turned off. how can I switch to stanby states? is there a way?
> > again, how does it works on laptops?
> I'm working on suspend-to-disk, and suspend-to-ram is mostly working, also.
> ...


What's not working with suspend-to-ram? Gateway, in their infinate
wisdon, nuked suspend-to-disk functionality of the bios in the most
recent edition (which they kindly upgraded me to when I put my laptop
in for servicing...). As such I only have suspend-to-ram working and
I'm also interested in playing with ACPI.

CaT        "As you can expect it's really affecting my sex life. I can't help
           it. Each time my wife initiates sex, these ejaculating hippos keep
           floating through my mind."
                - Mohd. Binatang bin Goncang, Singapore Zoological Gardens
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