Re: SiS/Trident 4DWave sound driver oops

Stuart Young (
Fri, 26 Oct 2001 13:24:48 +1000

At 10:42 PM 25/10/01 -0400, Robert Love wrote:
>On Thu, 2001-10-25 at 22:36, Tachino Nobuhiro wrote:
> > No. {0, } is the last elemnet of ac97_codec_ids[] and that index is
> > ARRAY_SIZE(ac97_code_ids) - 1. So this element which should be used as
> > a loop terminator is used as a valid entry in for loop incorrectly.
> >
> > Please read ac97_codec.c
>You are right; I apologize.

Implemented the patch suggested, and the module no longer oops's, and I get
codec id's listed as 0x0000:0x0000 (Unknown). I still get no sound like I
did with 2.4.7 (using mpg123 as a test, with a known working mp3 file), and
output to the device is blocked (nothing gets written).

How can I find out the ac97 codec ID for this chipset (if there is one) so
it can be added to the ac97_codec_ids array? From what I can tell, it's as
though the codec->codec_read(codec, AC97_VENDOR_ID#) isn't returning the
codec value for this system at all.

Any suggestions?

AMC Enterprises P/L - Stuart Young
First Floor - Network and Systems Admin
3 Chesterville Rd -
Cheltenham Vic 3192 - Ph: (03) 9584-2700 - Fax: (03) 9584-2755

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