Re: 2.4.12 cannot find root device on raid

Ookhoi (
Thu, 25 Oct 2001 21:57:44 +0200

> In article <>,
> Neil Brown <> wrote:
> | On Tuesday October 23, wrote:
> | >
> | > The line you provide doesn't look anything like the two forms in the
> | > md.txt you mention. Or rather it looks like a blending, but neither of
> | > them is md0= in form. I have to look at the code to see which is
> | > correct, possibly yours, since the
> | > append = "md=0,/dev/sda1,/dev/sdb1"
> | > line doesn't seem to work :-(
> |
> | Odd ... I use lines just like that. e.g.:
> | append="md=0,/dev/hda1,/dev/hde1,/dev/hdg1"
> |
> | and it works just fine. What do you get in the way of error messages?
> None - the system simply exits the BIOS, reads the first drive once and
> cold boots. The drive is okay, I can read both copies of the mirror end
> to end without error after booting from floppy. Lilo claims it writes to
> the md0 device, but boot fails.

I always let lilo write to the first and the second disk itself, and I
do not use any kernel parameters for sw raid. Is writing to the disks
instead of writing to /dev/md0 the wrong way? It works for me.

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