Re: Network device problems

Thomas Svedberg (
25 Oct 2001 20:11:06 +0200

Just a quick note to anyone else having this problem:
Only enabling CONFIG_NETLINK_DEV was not enough for me, also enabling
CONFIG_RTNETLINK did it for me. I now have:


tor 2001-10-25 klockan 14.48 skrev Jeff Garzik:
> Thomas Svedberg wrote:
> >
> > Just updated to RedHat 7.2 and after compiling and starting my new
> > kernel my network interfaces won't go up (not even lo), I get the
> > following message:
> > "ifup: Cannot send dump request: Connection refused".
> >
> > Tried kernels 2.4.12-ac2 and -ac6 (One of my -ac2 kernels worked fine
> > before the upgrade).
> >
> > Using the RedHat precompiled kernels it works (but then I have no lVM)
> >
> > Anyone have any clues ?
> Yep. Newer initscripts from RedHat and Mandrake (and others?) require
> CONFIG_NETLINK_DEV. initscripts runs, IIRC, iproute, which in turn
> requires the netlink device.
> I have a feeling this is going to be a FAQ. Pretty much anybody who
> uses these initscripts and compiles their own kernel !CONFIG_NETLINK_DEV
> will hit this.

/ Thomas
Thomas Svedberg
Department of Mathematics
Chalmers University of Technology

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