Re: In great need

John Weber (
Thu, 25 Oct 2001 12:14:04 -0400

I am a newbie/wannabe kernel hacker too :).

Here are the steps I plan to take:

[1] Take an Operating Systems class (or read through the
syllabus materials).
[2] Write a small operating system (to learn the stuff
that OS courses/books don't teach... for example, it
took me a while to realize where the BIOS loads the
MBR... thank god lilo is open source).
[3] Learn a little about hardware and hardware
standards like PCI, PCMCIA, ACPI, USB, etc.
[4] Read Oreilly's "Understanding the Linux Kernel".
[5] Read the linux-kernel FAQ and archives
[6] Read (No Posting!)
[7] Read linux source code
[8] Read (Post at Will!!)
[9] Identify an area of need
[10] Write code
[11] Sacrifice a virgin pigeon and drink milk of an
albino goat....

You are now a kernel hacker.

I'm at step 2... perhaps as I go further a few of the
steps will disappear :). Just my $0.02.

Patrick Ouellet wrote:
> Hi to you all great Linux Kernel maintainers.
> As a follower of linux for a couple of years now
> I wanted to go deeper into the madness,
> so I said to myself, why no go as deep as you
> can and get yourself into the Kernel.
> My simple question is this:
> Were should I start.
> I would like to have a nice overview of the kernel
> something that would help me understand all the part
> of the kernel and how they work toghether.
> If anyone could tell me where I could get
> such information.. I would be pleased.
> Thanx to you all and keep up the good work.
> --
> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==
> -=-=-=-=-=-=
> Patrick Ouellet - Programmeur Sénior
> Recherche & Devloppement
> Les Entreprise Microtec inc.
> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==
> -=-=-=-=-=-=
> "First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you.
> Then they fight you. Then you win."
> -Mohandas Gandhi
> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==
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> All source code included (if any ) is
> copyright Microtec Technologies Inc. 2001
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