Re: howto see shmem

Christoph Rohland (
25 Oct 2001 15:34:20 +0200

Hi Martín,

On Wed, 24 Oct 2001, Martín Marqués wrote:
> I have found out that /proc/meminfo doesn't have (at least that's my
> first thought) info about shared memory (it shows 0, even in heavy
> duty servers).

/proc/meminfo did show the number of shared pages in the whole system
independent of SYSV shared mem.

In the -ac series it shows all shared anonymous pages
(i.e. tmpfs, shared mmap and SYSV shm pages)

> ipcs also shows nothing, so how can I see the amount
> of shared memory being used?

linux:~ # ipcs -mu

------ Shared Memory Status --------
segments allocated 3
pages allocated 256
pages resident 12
pages swapped 87
Swap performance: 0 attempts 0 successes

It shows it.

> Th mounted /dev/shmem device also shows 0 kb used (just in case).

That would only show the posix shared memory segments in this


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