Asus CUV-266-D vs Intel NIC

Dead2 (
Thu, 25 Oct 2001 11:52:35 +0200

I have an Asus CUV266-d motherboard, and want to use my Intel NIC's..

2.4.10 & 2.4.12 hangs while "Setting up routing"
No error messages appear.

2.4.x(4 maybe?) has both officail Intel drivers and the tulip drivers.
When loading the tulip, it hangs just like with todays kernels.
When loading the Intel driver, everything works just fine for a short
20-40seconds I guess.. Then the computer hangs.

When not loading any NIC drivers, everything works just fine.

The NIC's i've tried are named "Intel(R) PRO/100+ Dual Port Server Adapter"
Have also tried a "Intel(R) PRO/100+ Adapter"

Any ideas of what to test?
I have the latest bios and have tried just about all bios settings.
'noapic' doesn't help.


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