Re: SiS630S FrameBuffer & LCD

Stuart Young (
Thu, 25 Oct 2001 10:20:01 +1000

At 06:42 PM 23/10/01 +0100, Alan Cox wrote:
>SiS actually had a much updated frame buffer console driver that never made
>it into the kernel (stuff needed fixing and I never got a reply so it
>dropped out of the tree)

Did this make it into any -pre's or -ac's that you remember? Might give me
somewhere to start at and figure out where the problem lies. Even a general
idea will do, as I'll search it down.

>It may be worthing finding out if SiS have the relevant stuff around

I'll try and contact someone at SiS about relevant info.

PS: Sorry about the reply time, was off sick from work for a day, which is
where I'm subscribed to l-k.

Stuart Young -
(aka Cefiar) -

[All opinions expressed in the above message are my]
[own and not necessarily the views of my employer..]

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