Re: Linux 2.2.20pre10

Riley Williams (
Wed, 24 Oct 2001 18:45:02 +0100 (BST)

Hi Alan, Bert.

>> Are you saying that we can't divulge security problems in our own
>> software anymore for fear of being sued by affected parties?

> Not even affected parties - the government can do it too without
> anyone else and indeed even if their are contractual agreements
> between parties permitting the data to be released..

Even if there are contractual agreements REQUIRING the data to be
released between the parties (as currently exists between Lockheed
and the USAF that require the mutual release of certain sensitive
information), the government would have the right to prosecute both
the USAF for releasing the information and Lockheed for accessing
it once it had been released - even if nobody at Lockheed ever read
the information in question.

That is how ludicrous it is.

If the said bill ever becomes law, then the US will of necessity become
a third world nation. However, until the idiots sponsoring it get their
faces muddied, the rest of us have to act in just such an insane way!!!

> I hope to have the security stuff up on a non US citizen accessible
> site in time for 2.2.20 final

That's an impossibility!!! However, if you remove the word "citizen"
from that statement, then it becomes possible.

Best wishes from Riley (a US citizen living in England).

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