Re: fdisk: "File size limit exceeded on fdisk" 2.4.10 to 2.4.13-pre6

Vitezslav Samel (
Wed, 24 Oct 2001 17:40:11 +0200


This is MeToo(tm) message. Limits set to unlimited, glibc-2.2.2 compiled
against 2.4.0 headers.
Booting into 2.4.10-ac10 kernel problem "solved".

> When I try to create a partition of 2GB using fdisk or parted, I get the
> error "File size limit exceeded (core dumped)". I already read about this
> error on the mailing list, but sadly not of any solution.
> Has anybody got one?
> Btw: If happend with fdisk from util-linux-2.10f until util-linux-2.11l.

Looking forward to proper fix.

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