Re: Reporter's Inquiry on EMC Symmetrix

Joel Jaeggli (
Wed, 24 Oct 2001 04:57:33 -0700 (PDT)

You should probably have been aware from the email address that you sent
this to a list rather than to an individual. the
mailing list is possibly not the most appropriate place to post this.


On Wed, 24 Oct 2001, Deni Connor wrote:

> Andre Margis --
> I saw your name in a usenet group and have several questions about EMC. I am
> writing a story for Network World and would appreciate your responses.
> On Monday EMC is announcing a new storage management platform that will
> ultimately be able to manage other storage and Fibre Channel devices than
> Symmetrix' and Celerra. It will be able to monitor and manage HP XP256/512,
> IBM Sharks, any Compaq StorageWorks array, Hitachi Freedom and Sun StorEdge.
> They will also ship a middleware layer that will let users and ISVs link
> their software to the EMC platform.
> 1. Do you have other storage than EMC? If so what?
> 2. Is it important that you be able to manage and monitor that storage from
> the same management interface? Why?
> 3. Are you cutting back on IT spending?
> 4. Would you possibly develop applications that you would want to tie to
> this EMC management product?
> 5. What storage management packages do you have?
> 6. Is it important that they be able to be integrated into the EMC offering?
> 7. What is your title? Who do you work for? Where are they located?
> Thanking you in advance for your answers.
> Deni Connor
> Network World, The Leader in Network Knowledge
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Joel Jaeggli	
Academic User Services
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arms.  Karl Marx -- Introduction to the critique of Hegel's Philosophy of
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