Re: More memory == better?

bill davidsen (
Tue, 23 Oct 2001 20:38:57 GMT

In article <>,
DevilKin <> wrote:

| > There are some good reasons to add memory.
| >
| > - disk i/o rates. vmstat will tell you some disk i/o rates, if they are
| > high you *may* get better performance with more memnory for cache.
| >
| > - future applications. As you say it's cheap right now, if you think
| > there's a good chance of larger images, more kernel compiles, whatever,
| > buy now.
| >
| > - memory bandwidth. This is very motherboard dependent, read your specs.
| > Some systems will use two or four way interleave to increase bandwidth
| > to memory or reduce access time. See what your m/b spec tells you.
| >
| > - you have the money and want to spend it on {something}! Go ahead,
| > memory is one of the best investments for any system.
| >
| > Just remember that to use this memory you need a large memory kernel.
| Ah, thats with HIGHMEM support? I've read a lot of awful things about it
| here... how stable (aka usable) is it?

I have 12 machines using it, at seven location in six states... don't
see any problems with which I don't see without. They are all actively
using large files as well, typically 50-100GB.

Looks good to go on my systems.

bill davidsen <>
  His first management concern is not solving the problem, but covering
his ass. If he lived in the middle ages he'd wear his codpiece backward.
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