Re: [Q] pivot_root and initrd

H. Peter Anvin (
23 Oct 2001 11:14:28 -0700

Followup to: <>
By author: Eric <>
In newsgroup:
> Would it even be worthwhile to propose a patch that would set a flag
> when pivot_root is called during an initrd and prevent change_root from
> occuring once the linuxrc thread exits?
> Your method of placing "initrx=xxx" and "root=xxx" is similar to my
> method of stuffing those values into /proc/sys/kernel/real_root_dev once
> the pivot_root is complete; I am not really happy with that solution,
> not the least of which because it is an undocumented work-around and
> somewhat unexpected behavior for a system call that is to (presumably)
> replace or augment change_root.
> I was also hoping that Warner or Hans would chime-in either in defense
> of the current documentation or with clarifications...

The right thing is to get rid of the old initrd compatibility cruft,
but that's a 2.5 change.


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