issue: deleting one IP alias deletes all

Tim Hockin (
Tue, 23 Oct 2001 10:54:30 -0700

So we've noticed, and taken issue with this behavior.

If you have several IP aliases on an interface (eth0:0, eth0:1, eth0:2) you
get inconsistent behavior when downing them.

* if I 'ifconfig down' eth0:1, I am left with eth0:0 and eth0:2
* if I 'ifconfig down' eth0:0, eth0:1 and eth0:2 go away, too

I assert that this should not happen. I have a simple patch to fix this
behavior, but I want to know a few things.

* Is this supposed to happen? Why?
* Is it correct that both the real interface and the first alias are marked
as primary (! IFA_F_SECONDARY), while all other aliases are secondary? It
seems to me that ALL ALIASES should be secondary. Is this wrong? Why?

Can anyone fill me in?


Tim Hockin
Systems Software Engineer
Sun Microsystems, Cobalt Server Appliances
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