Re: Linux 2.2.20pre10

Paul Jakma (
Tue, 23 Oct 2001 18:36:47 +0100 (IST)

On Mon, 22 Oct 2001, Aaron Lehmann wrote:

> And how are you going to do that? Challenge/response ("How do you say
> hello in Dutch?")?

ooooh... i know i know! :)

> IP-based restrictions will not work. I have shell accounts in Europe
> that can serve as SSH tunnels. If I use one of these, you will still
> be liable.

no he wouldn't.

you would have circumvented Rik's content-protection system. who
knows, perhaps /you/ might be liable to face punitive measures under
your own DMCA.

to everyone else: see Thomas Hood's rather good post, ie:

A kernel hacker absolutely positively has the right to do what he
wants with his own patches, and esp. is not obliged to users to
do/publish things which carry any risk of possible legal action
relating to his work on his linux. (esp. when you consider that the UK
lies far further to the west politically than it's geographic position
might suggest).

finally: can all the political/legal stuff please go somewhere else?

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kernel stuff.... :)


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