Strange lilo behaviour with kernel 2.4.10/2.4.12 and devfs

szonyi calin (
Tue, 23 Oct 2001 07:29:22 -0700 (PDT)

I'm having a very strange problem with lilo.
I run lilo it looks like it is writing the partition
table but it's not.
Problem begun in 2.4.10 and continued in 2.4.12
I double checked: lilo.config is good running lilo -V
shows that he is reading the config and writes the
partition table as instructed in lilo.conf but after
reboot nothing happens (i.e the new kernel )
I tried different lilo versions (21.7.5 , 22.0.2) and
the behaviour is unchanged

If I boot kernel 2.4.5 surprise lilo is actually
writing the partition table.

Any idea ?


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