Re: [PATCH] binfmt_misc.c, kernel-2.4.12

Albert Bartoszko (
Tue, 23 Oct 2001 11:28:08 +0200

> ...............
> Check that your modules.conf contains
> post-install binfmt_misc mount -t binfmt_misc none /proc/sys/binfmt_misc
> pre-remove binfmt_misc umount /proc/sys/binfmt_misc
Yes, now contains, and mount, umount and binfmt work propely.
This should be documented in sources

xx:/tmp# egrep -Hr "mount[[:space:]]+-t[[:space:]]+binfmt_misc"

But I still can't unload module (unmounted):
#rmmod binfmt_misc
binfmt_misc: Device or resource busy

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