Re: Linux 2.2.20pre10

Tom Sightler (
Mon, 22 Oct 2001 21:32:56 -0400

> SSSCA grants all this. SSSCA would have enormous impact here. If SSSCA
> passes, look out.
> D. Stimits,

I understand, but the SSSCA is not law now, only the DMCA.

I'm very concerned about the SSSCA, and being from the state of South
Carolina, which Sen. Hollings claims to represent, I'm hoping my letters and
pleadings will have at least some effect (maybe he'll read them). I've
actually met Sen. Hollings once, and have voted against him on every
possible occassion. I don't think he has a clue about the negative effects
such legislation would have.

This is partly why I'm so interested in this discussion. The DMCA was bad
enough, athough I think Alan's interpretation is an extreme one, but the
SSSCA is impossible. The best thing I could say about it is that I'm almost
sure it would have to be struck down in court. Anyway, I'm reading up on
it, and working on a new letter to try to elaborate more.

Still, even when the SSSCA becomes law, I'll likely be one of the ones in
jail, because I'm not giving up on Linux, or the US, that easily. I can
understand why other outside of the US might think otherwise though.


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