Re: Linux 2.2.20pre10

Jonathan Lundell (
Mon, 22 Oct 2001 16:58:48 -0700

At 6:47 PM -0500 10/22/01, Steven Walter wrote:
> > That seems like a willful misreading of the original. Where did you
>> get "consent"? Alan suggests that non-rebellion implies lack of
>> consciousness, which doesn't imply consent.
>Seems like, but isn't. It's every citizen's responsibility to be aware
>of the matters concerning the State. If they aren't, then again it is
>their own fault.

I don't quarrel with the fact that you assert that. However, it does
not follow from Alan's statement.

And if non-rebellion by a citizenry against immoral behavior by its
government justifies the slaughter of that citizenry, then, to quote
Jefferson in a slightly different context, " Indeed I tremble for my
country when I reflect that God is just, that his justice cannot
sleep forever."

/Jonathan Lundell.
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