Re: Linux 2.2.20pre10

D. Stimits (
Mon, 22 Oct 2001 17:45:06 -0600

Thomas Hood wrote:
> I think that a lot of people would like to know more about
> how the DMCA creates the risk that Alan is worried about.

I personally think DMCA creates a bad precedence, and in part is a
reason why some idiot senator would sponsor more ridiculous bills like
SSSCA. Killing or neutering DMCA is a good starting point to stopping it
in the future. Check out SSSCA, no doubt influenced by the success of

D. Stimits,

> Having said that, the decision about what is required to protect
> himself is up to Alan, and if he chooses to be very cautious
> then that is more than his right. Don't like it? You can
> always start maintaining your own -xyz kernel branch.
> I would also like to know how this issue affects Canadians,
> who often occupy a legal middle ground between the U.S.
> and the non-U.S. world when it comes to these issues.
> Can Canadian citizens be informed of these changelog items?
> --
> Thomas Hood
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