Re: Linux 2.2.20pre10

Steven Walter (
Mon, 22 Oct 2001 18:24:56 -0500

On Mon, Oct 22, 2001 at 04:07:49PM -0700, Mike Fedyk wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 22, 2001 at 05:45:02PM -0500, Steven Walter wrote:
> > On Mon, Oct 22, 2001 at 09:34:28PM +0100, Alan Cox wrote:
> > > > On Mon, Oct 22, 2001 at 01:29:14PM +0100, Alan Cox wrote:
> > > > > "Until they become conscious they will never rebel, and until after
> > > > > they have rebelled they cannot become conscious."
> > > >
> > > > While I've been generally saddened by Alan Cox's and others
> > > > anti-America attitude, I am somewhat surprised to find that
> > > > Alan believes the US bombing of Afghanistan is justified and so
> > > > is the collateral damage as they call it.
> > >
> > > That quote is rather older than the US bombing of Afghanistan. You read
> > > totally inappropriate things into it.
> >
> > Certainly, it is not. This statement applies to Afghanistan, in that
> > the fact that they have not rebelled means they imply consent to
> > everything their government does, and therefore are just as guilty as
> > the Taliban. Therefore, killing civilians (collateral damage) is no
> > worse than killing terrorists or Taliban officials. This is a stance I
> > can easily subscribe to, not just with Afghanistan but with any people,
> > nation, state, or country.
> And how is someone from a forien country going to see just how much or how
> little you have rebelled against the DMCA? We allowed the law to be passed
> so now we should take the blame?
> Like some have already said, we have politicians that promise one thing, and
> do whatever the hell they want after they're in office. It depends on how
> much they stick to their promisses when comes election time in 2-4 years
> that determines wheather they stay there...

Eh? Perhaps it was unclear that I was speaking in a broader sense, thus
being more off-topic than most. The DMCA is collectively our (U.S.
Citizens') fault. We must now work to correct it. Just as the Taliban
is at least partially the Afghan people's fault. See?

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