Re: Linux 2.2.20pre10

Tony Hoyle (
Mon, 22 Oct 2001 23:16:21 +0100

In the ancient scrolls of Usenet, page
<>, "Dan Hollis"
<> spake thus:

> On Mon, 22 Oct 2001, Bill Davidsen wrote:
>> Last I heard Linus was in the USA, his not being able to participate in
>> security discussions worries me very much. Ditto Redhat and IBM.
> I wonder if Linus has an exit-usa plan in case the SSSCA passes. If the
> SSSCA does pass, Linus would be in extreme danger.

It wouldn't surprise me if half of silicon valley had an exit plan...
The fallout will be fun to watch from 3000 miles away :-)


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