Re: Linux 2.2.20pre10

Craig Dickson (
Mon, 22 Oct 2001 15:13:08 -0700

Rik van Riel wrote:

> So if the SSSCA gets approved and open source is outlawed
> (because only software with 'approved security measures'
> is allowed) Linux should stop entirely ?

Nobody's suggesting that. But as long as the source code is available in
the US, changelogs should also be available. I mean, let's be serious
here. Kernel changelogs are NOT cookbooks for security exploits.
Problems generally aren't described in anywhere near enough detail that
anyone less than a kernel wizard could even figure out the exploit based
on the changelog's description of the fix. So it's nonsensical to
suggest that the source code is distributable without fear of
prosecution, but somehow the changelog isn't.

If the source code itself somehow becomes illegal, or if Alan can talk
Linus into placing a geographical restriction on the distribution of
Linux (which, as the trademark and copyright owner, would be within his
rights), then the changelog issue will be moot.

I really would like to see Linus comment on this. As a US resident, as
the owner of the Linux trademark, and as the development-branch leader
of kernel development, he's taking every "risk" Alan is, and more,
because he's here where the FBI could arrest him if it wanted to, while
Alan is thousands of miles away. So far, Linus has shown no indication,
AFAIK, that he intends to censor his changelogs. Why not? Is he truly
heedless of his own safety, or is he just too sensible to freak out
over such an implausible scenario?

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