Noise { was: Linux 2.2.20pre10 }

Jeremy Andrews (
Mon, 22 Oct 2001 17:27:48 -0400

What is the problem?

Some seem to think the problem is: Alan has censored security information.

But ask yourself, 'Why has he done this?'

He has made a very valid point. And by affecting the United States' users and
developers of Linux, we in turn stand to affect those around us. Living in the
US, it looks as though we are in for some rough times. Freedom is being
redefined around us.

Learn. Educate. Communicate.

There is a lot of information available on the internet. Whether or not Alan
includes cliff-notes to his kernel patches, the larger problem still remains.
And has potential to get much worse.

A good place to start:

Specifically regarding the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA):

Take a look at the map here, and think a moment:

There are voices in this noise that need to be heard. Speak out! But please,
speak towards the root of the problem. Towards a government whos rhetoric is:
'Enduring Freedom'.

What is freedom?

If we have freedom left, and I believe we do, we must use it now.

 Jeremy Andrews    <>
 PGP Key ID: 8F8B617A
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