Re: Linux 2.2.20pre10

bill davidsen (
Mon, 22 Oct 2001 16:01:31 -0400

In article <> wrote:
| I certainly can't argue with your logic. :-)
| Actually, I believe there are some decent, honest, well-meaning people in our
| government. It's just that they seldom have much influence on policy. :-(

After watching the VM wars here, how can you doubt that decent,
honest, well-meaning, and at least in the case of VM, competent people
can have very different ideas of how to solve a problem? Do you think
good people don't ever propose very bad solutions to problem? Just look
a release 2.4.11-ohshit.

Write to your politicians, and try to find out who does NSA secure
linux. How happy can they be not to get security fixes? Do they have to
stop publishing? Are people coming in black helicopters to dismantle
CERT, long our line of defense?

Stop trying to demonize politicians and start writing letters. State
the FACTS clearly without coming off as a hothead or worse, and you can
convince a staffer, which is the way in. Local elections are this year,
I bet your local candidate will give you a few minutes and if convinced
would would at least try to get you a five minutes on the phone with a
congressman. Then you need to be cool and informative.

Contact the local VFW and try to get someone interested. Soldiers
know about operating without intelligence information, and they often
have contacts. IBM is spending big bucks on TV ads for Linux, don't
hesitate to mention that trying to get the ear of a politician. Let
them, know this is not a bunch of hackers.

Start using the system instead of whining about it. You don't need
money to rock the boat, just the perception that you are a reasonable
person pointing out a problem.

bill davidsen <>
  His first management concern is not solving the problem, but covering
his ass. If he lived in the middle ages he'd wear his codpiece backward.

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