Re: Linux 2.2.20pre10

D. Stimits (
Mon, 22 Oct 2001 13:39:43 -0600

Nick LeRoy wrote:
> On Monday 22 October 2001 11:34, Rik van Riel wrote:
> > On Mon, 22 Oct 2001, bill davidsen wrote:
> > > And who will be maintaining the world and us-castrated kernel
> > > source? I can't imagine anything worse for the security of this
> > > country than not allow computer users access to security issues.
> >
> > Don't worry, there are more than enough kernel hackers
> > outside of the US to keep maintaining the kernel.
> >
> > The worst that could happen is that the US cripples
> > itself by not allowing the kernel hackers outside the
> > US to publish security info to people in the US, but
> > only to the rest of the world.
> >
> > That's tough, they're a democratic country, they can
> > change the law if it hurts them too much.
> Rik...
> I *wish* it were that simple. If you don't think that a least some of us
> *try*, you're kidding yourself. The real problem, IMHO, is that the
> electorate of our country no longer has any real power or control over the
> government -- it's the corporations that do. Money talks, so the saying
> goes. He who has the gold makes the rules.
> So, please don't punish all of us for the acts of our corrupt system. We
> just try to make it better in whatever ways we can. FWIW, the ACLU, EEF,
> etc. are our best hope for a free society.

In one location, I see senator Hollings listed as party
"Democrat-Disney". Disney is another spot to boycott, they are trying to
have Linux and open source o/s's declared illegal to even touch
copyright media...not as a web server, a home machine, or anything (say
bye to IBM's Linux efforts). I think the vote for this killer SSSCA is
somewhere around the 25th of this month, so you better hurry.

D. Stimits,

(PS: I always suspected Mickey Mouse was a member of the Taliban)

> Thanks
> -Nick
> -
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