Re: Linux 2.2.20pre10

Rob Turk (
Mon, 22 Oct 2001 19:57:36 +0200

"Nick LeRoy" <> wrote in message
> Wayne, everybody..
> I hate to belabor this point, but I'm in full agreement. If I really
> believed that Alan's boycott would have *any* positive affect, I'd fully
> support it, but the reality of the situation is that Wayne is right -- nobody
> with any real power will ever know or be able to a difference. I think that
> civil disobiediance is the only sensible action.
> -Nick

Alan might have to travel to the US somewhere in the near future. Do you think
he wants to risk being arrested? Making a point is one thing, serving time is
another. If Alan would disclose the details now, he would knowingly be
disobediant. Dimitry Sklyarov was ' unknowingly disobediant', and look what that
got him...


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