Re: Linux 2.2.20pre10

Nick LeRoy (
Mon, 22 Oct 2001 11:52:58 -0500

On Monday 22 October 2001 11:34, Rik van Riel wrote:
> On Mon, 22 Oct 2001, bill davidsen wrote:
> > And who will be maintaining the world and us-castrated kernel
> > source? I can't imagine anything worse for the security of this
> > country than not allow computer users access to security issues.
> Don't worry, there are more than enough kernel hackers
> outside of the US to keep maintaining the kernel.
> The worst that could happen is that the US cripples
> itself by not allowing the kernel hackers outside the
> US to publish security info to people in the US, but
> only to the rest of the world.
> That's tough, they're a democratic country, they can
> change the law if it hurts them too much.


I *wish* it were that simple. If you don't think that a least some of us
*try*, you're kidding yourself. The real problem, IMHO, is that the
electorate of our country no longer has any real power or control over the
government -- it's the corporations that do. Money talks, so the saying
goes. He who has the gold makes the rules.

So, please don't punish all of us for the acts of our corrupt system. We
just try to make it better in whatever ways we can. FWIW, the ACLU, EEF,
etc. are our best hope for a free society.


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