Re: The new X-Kernel !

James Simmons (
Mon, 22 Oct 2001 09:51:53 -0700 (PDT)

> > It sets the hardware state of the keyboards and the
> > mice. The user runs apps that alter the state. The second user comes along
> > and log in on desktop two. He runs another small application to test the
> > mice. It changes the state which in turn effects the person on desktop
> > one.
> Isn't this a driver problem?

That is what I'm pointing out.

> If two processes can interfere when using the
> same device the driver should only allow one access (one device file opened)
> at a time.

That is the current solution.

> And if two processes need to access it it should be managed by a
> daemon.

And if the daemon dies you could end up with a broken mouse if using force

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