Re: 2.4.12-ac5: i810_audio does not work

Andris Pavenis (
Mon, 22 Oct 2001 14:15:16 +0300

On Monday 22 October 2001 13:46, Alan Cox wrote:
> > Sound practically doesn't work under KDE-2.2.1. For example I'm getting
> > only some garbled sound for a very short time when I'm trying sound test
> > in kcontrol. Maybe these problems are due to non blocking output to
> > /dev/sound/dsp which artsd is using. Here is fragment from strace output
> > for artsd
> Do you know which release it actually broke for you ? By -ac5 there are
> both core changes and multi-channel stuff that might be involved

It's difficult to say exactly as it's broken already for a rather long time:
kernels beginning 2.4.9 (if I remeber correctly) have trouble with
i810_audio under KDE-2.2
the same about 2.4.6-ac2 and later ones

Earlier I found some combination (some 2.4.8-ac or soimething similar with
reverted one of the patches between 2.4.6-ac1 and 2.4.6-ac2) which mostly
works for KDE with fragment size up to 512 bytes. 2.4.7 worked with any fragment
size set in kcontrol.

I haven't tested much under GNOME, as I'm starting it very seldom

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