Re: kernel or std c++ libraries

Jakob Østergaard (
Sun, 21 Oct 2001 14:58:29 +0200

On Sun, Oct 21, 2001 at 11:50:22AM +1000, Sean Van Buggenum wrote:
> Hi ,
> I think there's a bug with .. i guess the linux kernel... or standard
> c++ libraries included with recent installations of mandrake and
> redhat.
> I've come to this conclusion because something i've written in c++,
> very basic stuff... ( using the function seekg() from the fstream
> library ) works fine on unix installations that i've used, but not on
> any of the linux installations i've tried on My computer. All the code
> does is open a binary file with the file pointer set for however many
> positions from the END of the file (it works when i use the start of
> the file ) .. and try to read from there.
> i've used kernel 2.2.16.... and it didn't work then.. i've recently
> installed mandrake 8.1 and thought that with the newer kernel
> included (hoped) it was just a bug in the redhat installation that i
> had previously. But it still doesn't work.
> Is it a bug in the software ? or something to do with my
> what i'd like to know.. i'm using a intel celeron 600 processor.. if
> that'd be important.

No the CPU is not important (at this stage anyway).

Tell us: kernel version, glibc version, compiler version, stdlibc++ version.

And send the code too. (If you can't or won't, or if the code is lenghty, write
up a small program to reproduce the error and send the code for that one

It's probably a stdlibc++ bug. If it's a glibc bug or a kernel bug, the same
error can be reproduced in C too - can it ?

:   : And I see the elder races,         :
:.........................: putrid forms of man                :
:   Jakob Østergaard      : See him rise and claim the earth,  :
:        OZ9ABN           : his downfall is at hand.           :
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