severe ns558 joystick problems with 2.4.12

Jeremy M. Dolan (
Sun, 21 Oct 2001 04:46:30 -0500

I posted to linux-kernel 10 days ago with this problem, didn't really
get any follow up, except other users having the same problem. So far
have had 6 users contact me with the same problem, seems to have
occured as early as 2.4.9 and .10, based on what I've heard from others.

To recap:

I have a 2 axis 6 button analog (ns558) gamepad. With 2.4.7,
everything is fine, as long as I pass js=gamepad, it detects the 2
axis and 6 buttons.

With 2.4.12, with js=gamepad and js=12531 (bitfield forced detection),
the kernel message SAYS it detects 2 axis and 6 buttons, however when
I use it (for example, with the jstest program), the two axis and
buttons 4/5 don't register. The first four (0-3) buttons are fine.

Jeremy M. Dolan <> <>
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